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Directories (8)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
acroread7   MEcode7   OAchrom539
OAoils20   PS17781   SAwater1
VRmatur4   WLdata44

Archives (2)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
DesktopPrinters DB MacBinary 1 512b 1999-02-23
OpenFolderListDF↵ MacBinary 1 512b 1999-03-05

Document (8)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
AppME.pdf Portable Document Format 356KB 1999-02-23
AppOA.pdf Portable Document Format 492KB 1999-02-23
AppPS.pdf Portable Document Format 470KB 1999-02-23
AppSA.pdf Portable Document Format 385KB 1999-02-23
AppTOC.pdf Portable Document Format 150KB 1999-02-22
AppVR.pdf Portable Document Format 329KB 1999-02-23
AppWL.pdf Portable Document Format 3MB 1999-02-23
ReadMe.pdf Portable Document Format 4MB 1999-02-22

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
A_README.1ST Text File 386 13KB 1999-03-05

Other Files (2)
Desktop DB Unknown 49KB 1999-02-23
Desktop DF Unknown 115KB 1999-02-23